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Islamic Identity Sessions

A notable challenge confronting the Muslim community in the West revolves around preserving the Islamic identity, not only among the younger generation but also within the adult population. At Ummah Masjid, our objective goes beyond merely safeguarding the Islamic identity of our members; we strive to cultivate a profound pride in Islam within their hearts, strengthening their ties to Islamic culture comprehensively, including aspects of religion, morals, history, and language. This ensures that they become authentic ambassadors of Islam in the Western context.
Within our community, we organize diverse events catering to various demographics, encompassing both one-time occasions and regular programs. The details of our routine programs are provided below, while announcements for one-time events are made as they occur.

Friday, after Isha’a prayer.

Saturday, after Maghrib prayer.

The first Saturday of every month, after Isha’a prayer.